Veritas  Any Day Now
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Artifacts courtesy of family of
Artifacts  from the Life
Transcriptions from the drawings

Entries on prototype card:

Brain: "Less tolerance for gossip and b.s"
Eyes: "New glasses no headaches"
Heart: "BP 170/90 won't take pills. I'm walking; no more red meat
Genitalia: "No Viagra (Think of this model as anatomically correct)"
Ears: "Hearing just fine"
Shoulder: "Benign tumor"
Bowels: "No colonoscopy, don't ask. I eat my bran"
"Below: "Unseen lower extremities OK"

Let them know! ®

The Robert A. Leeds Wellness Model (Doll?)
Your Friend

- - - - - - - - - - - is
(Fill in name)

( ) Just fine
( ) Needs work

as of

- - - - - - - - - - - - -
(Fill in date)

Another idea from Robert A. Leeds/© 2006/ Robert A. Leeds/ Preliminary sketch.

Transcription from notes on yellow


One More Idea from

Robert A. Leeds



The Robert A. Leeds Wellness Doll


Being a means (past a certain age) of informing all and sundry of Matters of Health so as not to indulge in the noisome (I know the meaning of the word—it’s a pun) discussions characteristic of the elderly (the sickness yammer).

This illustration/chart could be sent as a greeting card periodically [to] friends and family so as to forestall the idiotic questioning (by friends and family) directed at those of a certain age.

I will enter symptoms, conditions as examples only. Should not be construed as conditions of Robert A. Leeds—necessarily.

This is an idea that needs marketing. Worthwhile.


© 2006 Robert A. Leeds

Other Artifacts from the Life of Bobby Leeds


Letter to Ann With Sketch


8 February 2008

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