From the editor and publisher:
It was necessary to pull the remainder of this piece; it reeked of self-pity. The writer had said all that was necessary in his first paragraph and captions. As editor and publisher I am reluctantly allowing the second paragraph to remain even though It would have had greater clarity if it had read: “I’m old and there are days when I’m lonely. I love all these people, but I have not been fair with some of them. I have driven them away. I tend to blame others for my own faults. I’m sorry; I miss them.” Or something.
Well, boo-hoo. Psych 101. (Ethics zip.) The writer is given to self-pity but not on my watch. In future whenever the writer starts his mewling and puking, I or members of my staff will step in and do heavy edits. (Mouse where indicated for a photo of the editor and staff.) We call that levity.
At Veritas: Any Day Now we loathe self-pity and edit heavily whenever we find it.
—Britt Leach, Editor & Publisher
26 February 2007